Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten

Transurethral needle ablation of the prostate for treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: a collaborative european multicentre study.
Ramon J., Lynch T.H., Eardley I., Ekman P., Frick J., Jungwirth A., Pillai M., Wiklund P., Goldwasser B. and Fitzpatrick J.M.
British J. Urol., 80: 128-135

Effect of active immunization against luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) on the androgen sensitive Dunning R 3327-PAP and androgen independent Dunning R 3327-AT2.1 prostate cancer sublines.
Fuerst J., Fiebiger E., Jungwirth A., Mack D., Frick J. and Rovan E.
Prostate , 32: 77-84

LH-RH antagonist Cetrorelix ( SB-75 ) and bombesin antagonist RC-3940-II inhibit the growth of androgen-independent PC-3 prostate cancer in nude mice.
Jungwirth A., Galvan G., Pinski J., Halmos G., Szepeshazi K., Cai R.-Z., Groot K. and Schally A.V.
Prostate, 32: 164-172

Inhibition of Growth of Androgen-Independent DU-145 Prostate Cancer in Vivo by LH-RH Antagonist Cetrorelix and Bombesin Antagonists RC-3940-II and RC-3950-II.
Jungwirth A., Pinski J., Galvan G., Halmos G., Szepeshazi K., Cai R.-Z., Groot K., Vadillo-Buenfil M. and Schally A.V.
Eur. J. Cancer, 33(7): 1141-1148 

Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GH-RH) antagonist MZ-4-71 inhibits growth of androgen-independent prostate cancers in vivo.
Jungwirth A., Pinski J., Halmos G., Groot K., Armatis P., Vadillo-Buenfil M. and Schally A.V.
Brit. J. Cancer, 75(11): 1585-1592

Regression of rat Dunning R-3327-H prostate carcinoma with targeted cytotoxic analog of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone AN-207 containing 2-pyrrolinodoxorubicin.
Jungwirth A., Schally A.V., Nagy A., Pinski J., Groot K., Galvan G., Szepeshazi K. and Halmos G.
Int. J. Oncology, 10: 877-884 

Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GH-RH) antagonist MZ-4-71inhibits growth of Caki-I renal adenocarcinoma in vivo. Proc.
Jungwirth A., Schally A.V., Pinski J., Groot K., Armatis P. and Halmos G.
Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 94: 5810-5813

Longterm follow up after open perineal cryotherapy in patients with locally advanced prostate cancer.
Mack D., Jungwirth A., Kunit G., Miller K., Dietze O. and Frick J.
Eur. Urology, 32: 129-132

Follicle-stimulating hormone activates a cAMP dependent chloride conductance in TM4 Sertoli cells.
Jungwirth A., Weiger T., Singh S.K., Paulmichl P. and Frick J.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm., 223: 203-206

Urodynamic changes in benign prostatic hyperplasia patients treated by transurethral needle ablation.
Wiklund P., Ekman P., Fitzpatrick J., Frick J., Goldwasser B., Jungwirth A., Lynch T., Ramon J., Pillai M. and Eardley I.
Urology, submitted. 

Letter to the Editor RE: International conference on Peyronie´s disease advances in basic and clinical research.
Gomahr A., Kunit G., Jungwirth A., Mack D. and Frick J.
J. Urology, 158: 2251-2252

Endokrine Abklaerung des infertilen Mannes.
Jungwirth A.
J.Urol. Urogynaekol., 4: 38-39

What´s on the doctors´ ball point pen?
Datz C., Jungwirth A., Dusch H., Galvan G. and Weiger T.
Lancet, 350: 1824

Allgemeine andrologische Abklärung des infertilen Mannes.
Jungwirth A. and Dunzinger M.
Urologik, 1: 15-17


Regression of Dunning R-3327-H Prostate Carcinoma by Targeted Cytotoxic LH-RH Analog AN-207.
Jungwirth A., Galvan G., Frick J., Nagy A. and Schally A.V.
J. Urology

Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GH-RH) antagonist MZ-4-71inhibits growth of Caki-I renal adenocarcinoma in nude mice.
Jungwirth A., Frick J., Pinski J., Halmos G. and Schally A.V.
J. Urology

GH-RH antagonist MZ-4-71 inhibits proliferation of Caki-I renal adenocarcinoma in nude mice.
Jungwirth A., Joos H., Frick J., Pinski J., Halmos G., Groot K. and Schally A.V.
Brit. J. Urol., 80: 124 (483)

Microsurgical Varicocelectomy Improves the Semen Quality Significantly: Results of 250 Patients.
Gögus C., Jungwirth A., Gomahr A., Fiebiger E. and Frick J.
Satellite Symposium on Clinical Infertility and Impotence

Die mikrochirurgische subinguinale Vaikozelenoperation verbessert signifikant die Samenqualität bei subfertilen Männern.
Jungwirth A., Gomahr A., Gögüs C., Hauser W., Fiebiger E., Aulitzky W. and Frick J.
J. Fertil. Reprod., 3: 31

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